Lazyman Lamentation
The sun is gone, Down to the sea.
My shadow is short, just like my life.
I wish I could revive the day, the sun,
So I can work, alas! for my living,
But no, nature had done her share,
Left for me now is the lonely night.
The night has come, Bringing on the stars.
The moon is up, casting shadows on the earth.
But where is my sight, I wish I can tell,
The shadows is cast even on my life,
It is my future dangling, like a bulb of pendulum.
A future of hunger, sorrow, sickness and gloom.
I have been patient; all of my life,
Patient in thoughts, patient in actions.
Patience is the way, comes along with success
But that was a mistake, I live now to witness.
I wish I could change my course,but it's late,
My life hope is gone, So what happens to me?
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